Become authentic, pure and step into your power.
Full-body De-armouring

De-armouring is a powerful and holistic way to release tensions, blockages and stuck emotions from the body.
All of us are carrying "armour" which negatively impacts our lives. It hinders us to be authentic and vulnerable in relationships, affects our health and is limiting our life force and sexual energy.
A body armour is the way how our body holds tensions and pain from the past that could not be processed then.
Body armour was first mentioned in written form by Wilhelm Reich around 1930. The practice of de-armouring though is as old as shamanic traditions and ancient cultures and was already used by wise women in ceremonial rituals for healing.
Letting go of stuck emotions, energy and trauma
Becoming able to relax deeply into the body
Increasing your body's sensitivity
Awakening your life force energy and potential
Expanding your capacity for intimacy and pleasure
Become able to connect with yourself and others in authenticity

I work with gentleness, creating safety and listening to your body. De-armouring is mostly a blend of presence, touch, breath, sound and movement. Touch can be used from a range of pure energetic presence to strong physical pressure.
Areas that can hold a lot of tensions and benefit greatly from de-armouring are e.g. the jaws, chest, belly, inner legs.
After one or more sessions, there can be also an option to receive gentle de-armouring of the genitals (3h sessions).